About Us

Pastor Wolf and his church family want to share this exciting ministry for young people with you. Our bodies are the temple of God and we want to help as many young people as possible start healthy habits. If we have a healthy body and mind, then we can make good decisions and live a happy, healthy life to the glory of God.

This youth event is a great opportunity to make relationships with business owners in your community and young families as they train for six weeks.

Over the last ten years, God has blessed, and we have been able to give away over 500 FREE bikes to kids 6-16 years old. The Triathlon is completely FREE and they will receive a FREE NEW BIKE!

We hope you will join our Triathlon TEAM and host a triathlon in your city. We will give you all the free resources we have made and offer training on our YouTube page and Zoom meetings.

Sign Up HERE.

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